How to Control the "Uncontrollable"

The start of a new year provides an opportunity to bounce back from hardships and set optimistic goals, such as vowing too have more control over controversial situations that arise. However, lets face it, although it is a new year and new opportunities are present, college students will still endure a plethora of uncontrollable circumstances. For example, the unreliable group partner who stops answering your calls one week before the project is due or receiving a lower grade than expected on an exam you studied so hard for or the sudden increase in rent for your once affordable off-campus apartment. These incidents are overwhelming and deemed unsolvable at the surface that impact their ability to succeed. 

Here are 8 easy tips that will help you manage the uncontrollable and reach your semester goals!

Step back and dissect 
Take a step (or several steps) back from the uncontrollable, dissect it into smaller pieces and distinguish the things are controllable and uncontrollable about the problem. You just may realize that the entire circumstance is not unmanageable. 

Take it on or pass it on 
Evaluate the problem. If it is something that you have the strength, time and resources to "take on" (manage) then do it as effectively and productively as possible. If not, do not hesitate to pass it on to the appropriate person or resource.  

Share and consult
Share the situation(s) in which you are struggling with. Sharing with the right person or people may help you learn new ways to gain control. Sharing and consulting can also help you develop hope and motivation by understanding that others have endured and conquered the same or similar situation.

Use and apply
Take a good look at your academic, social, and personal life. Most likely, you have already overcome similar or worse situations that you managed to turn around. Ask yourself, what strategies and/or resources did you use to tackle those? Can they be applied to what is occurring now? A lot of times we already posses the strategies and skills needed.

Change your Mindset

Changing your mindset is not an easy thing to do because it requires self-reflection and great maturity. However when achieved and used habitually, it enhances your ability to comprehend, analyze and approach uncontrollable circumstance adequately. During the early years of my college career, I viewed my lack of academic achievement as unmanageable until I learned how to think differently. As a result of cultivating a new mindset, I transitioned from a failing college freshman with a QPA of 1.6 to a graduating senior with a 3.0 QPA.

Utilize your resources
As college students, you all are equipped with a campus comprised of resources in place to assist you. For example, libraries, computer centers, writing centers, counseling services, organizations etc. Utilize them to their fullest potential! And remember, these resources will not be of any benefit to you unless you go in and make your struggles known and important.

Keep your eye on the prize
When I was in college, my grandfather always reminded me to "keep your eye on the prize". My prize was to obtain my college degree, so that I can move forward with breaking the poverty cycle that paralyzes my family. I am fortunate enough to have earned my prize (my degree). However, when things became out of control and hard to tame, I somehow always regained control by remembering to keep my eye on the prize. Now I am challenging you to do the same. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE!

I hope that these tips will help you along the way. Feel free to share your feedback in the comments below. 


Brandi C.

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