1. The first day of class IS important.
Some students tend to skip the first day of class because they believe it's a waste of time and that nothing of importance is going to be learned. However, during the first day, you typically obtain vital information. Professors will review the syllabus giving you an overview of what the semester is going to look like. You should use this time to find out if that $300 book is required or not. Furthermore, it's also a good time to make a connection with the professor by introducing yourself and finding out when office hours will be.
2. Familiarize yourself with the leadership of the college or university.
When you begin your academic career you typically think that it's just about going to class, getting good grades, and graduating. For the most part it is, however there are many other things to take advantage of while you are in college. One of them being getting to know the administration. Seek out the Dean of Students, VP of Academic Affairs, Department Chair, etc. It's best to get to know them early. You may not think you will need to know who they are, but in the long run it will benefit you.
3. Discover what support systems are in place for your academic success.
As you look at the map of the campus you received during orientation, find out where certain departments are. It's important to utilize these services because you are paying for them with your tuition. I recommend that you get acquainted with your campus tutoring center. Find out what subjects are being tutored and the times that they will be happening. Also, see if they have a writing lab where the review your papers with you before you turn them in. Additionally, familiarize yourself with where your academic adviser is located. Advisers help you enroll in the classes to help you fulfill your degree requirements. You should meet with them to discuss your professional goals and they can help decipher which courses will help you towards that goal.
Lastly, one thing to learn during your first week of college is how to have fun. These will be the best years of your life so remember to cherish every moment. If you have advice on what helped you during your first week of college, please comment below.
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