Although it feels like midterms were just yesterday, it's time to start preparing for the end of the semester. Finals week can be demanding, exhausting, and emotionally draining depending on how you prepare. Many of the assignments that you submit this week will not be able to be redone and can drastically affect your grade. Here are 5 tips that can help you prepare for finals week.
1. Create a calendar
During the first week of class, each student is given a syllabus that details when each assignment is due. Look over it and write out the dates and times that each assignment is due and when the exams will be taken for every class that you're enrolled in. I prefer to use google calendar or outlook so that it syncs with my smartphone and I can color coordinate. However, a physical calendar will work just a well. Additionally, make sure you can see your regular schedule (meetings, classes, internship hours) on that calendar so that you're aware of what needs to be done and when it will need to be done by.
2. Designate Study time
Since all your tests will be within a closer time frame, it's important that you're making enough room on your plate to study. This can be difficult if you're involved in student organizations, internships, and part-time jobs. However, your first priority as a student should be school. Therefore, it's in your best interests to reduce the number of hours that you're working around finals week. If you tell your employer in advance, they should be able to be more accommodating. You may have to tell your friends "No" when they invite you to fun events that are occurring around finals week.
3.Prioritize Your Assignments
Although you should dedicate an equal amount of study time to all your classes, realistically some courses require more outside the classroom effort than others. There are some things you shouldn't procrastinate, like that research paper or studying for the Organic Chemistry final. Where as, you know you can do well on that 2 page double space reflection paper.
4. Visit Office Hours
Sooner rather than later, you want to visit office hours to get help and guidance about any concept/topic that you need more clarity on. Office Hours are typically busier this time of year, so make sure to not wait to the last minute if you know there's something that you need help on. If your teacher is too busy with your classmates, don't be afraid to reach out to your TA. They've taken the course and know exactly what you should expect from your professor.
5. Take Care Of Yourself
You don't need to pull all-nighters every night of finals week to study effectively. You're more productive when you're well rested. Therefore, aim to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night, 3 meals a day, and at least 1 shower per day. An all-nighter should be a last resort.
Finals can be a stressful time of year. However, if you prepare for the influx of assignments and exams, you will be more confident in tackling everything that you have to accomplish. If you have other suggestions on how to prepare for Finals week, please feel free to comment below.
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