Deep Breaths
When you have a lot on your plate it can become overwhelming, and you begin to feel drained from everything on your plate. Sometimes before you do anything else you need to just take a few deep breathes. Breathing releases toxins from your body, and also helps to release tension.
Make Peace at the End of the Day
As your day draws to a close think back and reflect on all of the things you accomplished that day. Be happy about it too! If you didn't do much of anything remember that it's okay to take a personal and just relax. However, if your day was a total nightmare be thankful that is coming to an end, but reflect on something positive. By coming to peace with your day it'll help clear you mind and allow you to rest more soundly.
Plan the Next Day
Before you go to bed for the night, map out your day for tomorrow. Sometimes before going to bed you have a 1,000 things running through your head. You allow yourself to have an idea of what to expect in the morning by thinking ahead. You can either write it down on a notepad or type it out. This will help you rest peacefully in bed knowing what's ahead for tomorrow. This also gives you a purpose to start you day off on a good foot.
These are just a few recommendations for you when trying to recharge yourself. What things do you do to allow yourself to recharge? Please share and comment below.
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