1. Find Your Motivation
Why are you in school? What is it that you want to do with your life? These are a couple questions to ask yourself when trying to get motivated. The answers to these questions are going to remind you of why you began your collegiate journey. It may be hard to see the bigger picture with all of the tasks that are in your face. However, remember that there is a reason why you are putting yourself through this mentally rigorous journey in life. Stay positive and focused on your goal.
2. Make a Plan
To jump-start your motivation it's good to have a plan of action in place. This will allow you to see what you have to accomplish in a list or on a chart, and it becomes more manageable. You are now able to see everything that has to be done, and are better able to map out your daily activities between homework and other activities. Making a plan also enables you to cut out the unnecessary activities and makes you assess whether or not certain activities should stay or go.
That phrase "Beware of the company you keep" is something that I believe to be true. When you are associating yourself with people, be cautious of how they can affect you. Immerse yourself with friends that are like-minded and goal-oriented. The people around you, who are trying to accomplish the same things as you, will keep you motivated and pushing yourself. The moral support that you get from them and knowing that you are all going through rough times together makes it a little easier to bare.
4. Stop Worrying
You are smart enough!! Don't fret over every little assignment or exams. A friend once told me in college that worrying about how you did on an exam is not gonna change the outcome. So free your mind and stay steadfast on your goals. Sometimes worrying is doing more harm than good. Instead of worrying over things think about how to improve yourself for the next time this happens. Redirect that worrying into something positive that can bring joy instead of sorrow to your life.
5. Plan Fun Celebrations
When you are going through midterms and you have papers and exams everyday it can be hard to remember that this is a great accomplishment you are doing. It is a great achievement to go to school and obtain a degree. Therefore, take the time to celebrate what you have done thus far. Remember all the hard work that has been put into those projects and papers. Think about those countless hours spent in the library researching. Be sure to block of some "me" time and relax and celebrate all you have done.
Those are my five tips to get you through the semester. I hope they are helpful and make the next few weeks bearable. Is there anything that you do to get through the semester? Please share and comment below.
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