How to Get Good Grades in College Part 2

Earlier this week in How to Get Good Grades in College Pt. 1,  we discussed different ways to improve your academic performance to get better grades. Now we're continuing that list with some more ways on how to improve your academic performance.

6. Read for Comprehension
When given a reading assignment it is important to not just read the words, but to try and comprehend what is written down. You can do this in a number of ways, such as taking notes and writing down questions you have about the text. This shows that you are actually engaged in the reading, and enables you to be an active participant in class discussions. Additionally, you could scan the text and find the subtitles, things in bold print, charts or graphs, etc.

7. Study Smart
Everyone has a different way of studying that is effective for them. Some people like to have music in the background while others need complete silence. Find out what works best for you. First thing is to find that spot that you can go to and study without interruption. Remember to take breaks while studying. It is wise to take a few minutes away from the text every now and then to recharge and refocus. Also, be committed to doing your work when you say you are going to do it. Use your planner to help you organize when quizzes and test will be. You will be able to see when they are, thus giving you an opportunity to schedule study time in to be prepared for that exam.

8. Be a Good Test Taker
One way that will help you be a good test taker is by knowing what will be on the test. Pay attention in class, review the syllabus, and visit the professor during office hours. This insight will be able to focus on the specific material. When taking the test go through and answer the questions that you know then go back to the ones you skipped. With multiple choice there are typically a few you can eliminate so figure out which ones it can't be thus giving you better odds when selecting the right one. Also, just because you have a open-book test does not mean you do not have to study. You will waste precious time by searching frantically through the text to find that paragraph that talked about a certain idea. Review the chapters prior to the exam. This will give you an advantage because you will already know what chapters cover what information.

9. Reduce Test Anxiety
If you know that you have a test in two weeks do not wait until two days prior or the night before to begin your review. Studying earlier can help reduce test anxiety and will allow you to actually understand and learn the material versus just memorizing it for the test.  Therefore, utilize your planner to Sleep can also minimize test anxiety. With a full night's rest, you will be able to focus more on the test and are less likely to miss or overlook something. Furthermore, before you begin your exam, remember to take a deep breath, relax, and stay positive.

10. Use Available Services
Each college or university has several places on campus to assistance with homework, tests, and papers. For example, at the library, the librarian can help you with researching material for your papers. They have a good understanding of the research databases and are there to help you. Also, there are tutoring services provided on most campuses for all of the different subjects. So be mindful to utilize these services that are being offered to you. This will only assist you in doing better in the classroom, thus improving your grades in the classes you take.

These 10 tips will enable you to make the most of your education and earn the grades you desire. If there are other tips that has help you become successful in the classroom, please share them in the comments section below.

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