How to Get Good Grades in College Part 1

How to Get Good Grades in College by Linda…The number one reason to attend college is to get an education. However, once you get there, you may find that earning good grades is more difficult than it was in high school. In How To Get Good Grades In College author Linda O'Brein  outlines ten great actions to do for you to be successful in the classroom. In the first part of these series, we will discuss the need to Attend Every Class, Be Organized, Manage Your Time Well, Be Successful in Class, and Take Good Notes.

1. Attend Every Class
You all probably heard that it is important to go to all of your classes ALL of the time. Realistically, sometimes you may not feel like it, but think about a few things that you will be missing out on. The biggest thing is that you will find out what is and is not important in the professors eyes. They will give you a rundown as to what will be on the exam and what is just good for you to know. This will help you utilize your study time better because you won't be focusing on subjects matters that won't be on the exam. Although you may get the notes from a classmate if you miss, it won't be the same as getting it firsthand.

2. Be Organized
This is a vital part in being a successful student. The Post, 4 Ways to Get Organized shares tips to become more organized with your academic work.

3. Manage Your Time Well
Time management is crucial in all areas of life; so the classroom is no different. Be sure to use the time in class that is given to you. When a professors gives you time to work in class it is to your best effort. This is a great opportunity to ask questions to the professor while working on the assignment. Another time management tip is to create a plan to study. When taking multiple classes at once you are going to be bombarded with assignments from all areas. It's best to write them all out and put them in chronological order by due date and they give yourself a start date to begin the assignment. However, be mindful to keep into consideration unexpected obstacles. Therefore, give yourself a deadline that is two days before the assignment is due.

4. Be Successful in Class
This goes back to being in school and attending every class. This will only be beneficial to you in the long run. Also, learn to familiarize yourself with the teaching styles and behaviors of your professors. One way to learn about this is to attend office hours. This will be a great time to get additional help or clarification on your assignments. You must be prepared for EACH class you attend to make the most out of your time. This means having read the required text prior to coming to class, having your notes and questions from your readings, and having all of your materials with you in class to get the most out of it. Class participation is your "best friend". By actively engaging in class you are getting a better understand of the course material and the professor is getting to know you better.

5. Take Good Notes
The best way to do this is to be an active listener. Carefully listen to what is being said and try to comprehend it and write it down in your own words. One of the biggest mistakes in taking good notes is not writing them down in your own words. There is no benefit to writing notes that you cannot understand nor read. Therefore, take note that are legible whether that be with pen and paper or on a laptop or tablet. Once you leave class it will be good to rewrite the notes your just took. This will help you put them in a better format because you are not being rushed, and since you are reading them again as you rewrite it's allowing you to reinforcing what you just wrote down.

Those are the 5 out of 10 steps you can take to get good grades in college. Check back on Thursday for How to Get Good Grades in College Part 2, where we will provide more tips and actions that you can take.
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