This post was inspired by a tweet from a student preparing to enter senior year of college. When I read it, I immediately thought about how overwhelming senior year can be in both high school and college. It's exciting to be closer to that hard earned diploma or degree. However, that excitement is plagued with the fear of uncertainty and bombarded by the infamous question "So what are you going to do after you graduate?" Whether the question can be answered or not, it still sparks anxiety because
1. You don't know which program schools will accept you (If you even decided where to apply)
2. You don't know which employer will hire you
3. You don't even know if you're going to pass that extremely difficult class that you must take to graduate all while balancing your overwhelming schedule of work, social life, internships, and all those student organizations that you've joined.
Despite the uncertainty, It will all be OK. Nobody has it all together, even the people that think that they do. There are few things that you can actually control. Therefore, it's
crucial that you take advantage of the things you can control, which are
how you prepare, prioritize, and persevere. It's common for many people to enter senior year with one plan or idea that changes. For example, I went into senior year thinking that I wanted to be a High School Chemistry Teacher. I even took the Praxis Exam. However, after working in a high school, I realized that K-12 teaching was not for me. As I reflect, I am thankful for both the good and bad experiences, because they made me more aware of what I'm passionate about and what I don't want to deal with.
Here are a few strategies that you can utilize to survive senior year.
1. Double check the graduation requirements for your degree program ASAP! I've heard so many stories about how someone's academic adviser overlooked a class, which prevented a student from graduating when they originally planned. Please don't let that be you and double check before add/drop is over.
2. Get a Mentor! This should be someone in the career field that you desire, who can provide you with wisdom while you make important decisions. This person will be able to help you with questions like "Should I go to grad school, where should I apply to work, etc."
3. Don't be afraid to say no. You're going to be busy and there may not be extra room on your plate. Therefore, if your friend invites you somewhere or your boss asks if you can pick up an extra shift, don't be afraid to say no if you do not have the time to do it.
4. Take Care of Yourself. Senior year can be stressful. Therefore, it's important that you take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Grab a friend and take a work out class. If things are feeling overwhelming then talk to someone, whether it's a close friend, family member, or a school counselor. As my abuelita would say " a little prayer goes a long way." If you're religious continue to pray. Mediation is another way to clear your mind and refocus.
Just remember, everything will be OK. Make sure to enjoy your last year of being an undergraduate student. If you have any other strategies for surviving senior year. Please make sure to share them below.
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